Howard Returns After Trials and Tribulations (by Tom Trepiak)

Three-Year Absence for Former Top HSU Recruit Teaches Life Lessons

Read the inspirational story written by Tom Trepiak, Associate Athletic Director at Humboldt State University, about HSU’s standout basketball player, David Howard.  Click here:   David Howard Story by Tom Trepiak

Howard Playing

Colorado State University Antarctic Lecture Looks Under the Ice on Feb. 25

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014Contact for Reporters:
Kate Hawthorne Jeracki


Rick Aster, head of the Department of Geosciences in the Warner College of Natural Resources at Colorado State University, will present the first in the School of Global Environmental Sustainability Spring 2014 Antarctic Lecture Series Feb. 25.

The lecture, which is free and open to the public, takes place 7-8 p.m. at the Fort Collins Main Public Library, 201 Peterson St. The topic is “Under the Ice: The Geophysical Unveiling of the Antarctic Continent.”

Aster, a principal investigator on the POLENET-ANET project, will discuss recent research, supported by the National Science Foundation, into the geological structure and history of Antarctica, and outline how the tectonic, volcanic, and other processes within the solid Earth have interacted with past and present ice sheets.

Modern technological developments have made it possible to look through Antarctica’s enormous ice sheets to study the geology of Antarctica. Using high-resolution deep Earth imaging, seismic event detection, GPS positioning, and other geophysical methods developed on other continents, researchers have been revealing what lies beneath the continent.

For questions regarding this lecture series or SoGES, contact Matt Knox,, or call the SoGES front desk at (970) 491-4215.

The School of Global Environmental Sustainability

The School of Global Environmental Sustainability is at the core of a growing number of exciting sustainability initiatives in research and education at Colorado State University. SoGES serves as a hub to connect CSU’s community of scholars and practitioners interested in applying interdisciplinary perspectives to large-scale environmental, economic, and social questions not easily addressed through traditional approaches.

The School was uniquely designed to reach across disciplines and colleges to forge new alliances and advance greater understanding of the challenges to achieving sustainability faced by our nation and global community. SoGES is meeting this challenge and continues to strengthen CSU’s reputation of being at the forefront of addressing the world’s sustainability issues through research, education, and outreach.


Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 USA
© 2009 Colorado State University

Annual Forest Health Report Details Threats, Opportunities for Colorado Forests

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For Immediate Release
Wednesday, February 19, 2014Contact for Reporters:
Jennifer Dimas/ jennifer.Dimas@ColoState.EDU

Ryan Lockwood
or Brian Woodward
FORT COLLINS – The 2013 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests, released today by the Colorado State Forest Service at the annual Joint Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee Hearing at the State Capitol, details forest health concerns throughout the state and the opportunities available for landowners to mitigate their effects.

“Colorado land managers continue to face unprecedented challenges in their pursuit to foster healthy, thriving forests,” said Mike Lester, state forester and director of the Colorado State Forest Service. Lester said that insect and disease outbreaks, devastating wildfires, and recent floods have brought to light the necessity of working together to actively manage Colorado forests and as a result, collaboration among public land managers and private landowners has never been stronger.

Each year, the Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests provides information to the Colorado General Assembly and residents of Colorado about the health and condition of forests across the state. The report provides recent data, figures and maps detailing major insect and disease concerns in the state, including the expansion of spruce beetle activity and the detection of emerald ash borer – an invasive pest first discovered in Colorado in 2013, which poses serious risks to the state’s urban forests.

This is the 13th consecutive year the CSFS has produced a report on the state of Colorado’s forests and the actions it is taking to mitigate forest health concerns. The theme of this year’s report is “Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Opportunities,” with an emphasis on the link between the forest health risks of today and the opportunities to attenuate those risks in the future.

The principal source of information for the forest health report is the annual aerial forest health survey, a cooperative project between the CSFS and the Rocky Mountain Region of the USDA Forest Service. Other data sources include field inspections, CSFS contacts with forest landowners and special surveys designed to help ensure early detection of potentially invasive insect species.

The 2013 report also includes a special online supplement, the 2013 Colorado Forest Insect and Disease Update, which is a comprehensive listing of the damaging agents of Colorado’s forests. This supplement is available, in electronic form only, at

Copies of the 2013 forest health report are available at CSFS district offices or online at


Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 USA
© 2009 Colorado State University

Don’t let the Tea Party kill our minimum wage momentum

Dear Ralph,

Increasing wealth and income inequality in the United States is the great moral and economic issue of our time.  It speaks to whether we will be a nation with a vibrant and growing middle class, or an oligarchic form of society in which a handful of incredibly wealthy families control our economic and political life.

In America today, the top 1% owns 38% of our country’s financial wealth. The bottom 60% owns all of 2.3%. In the last several years, 95% of all new income has gone to the top 1%. Sadly, we recently learned that in 2012 the top 40 hedge fund managers in the country earned $16.7 billion dollars, as much as 300,000 public school teachers combined — almost a third of all high school teachers in America. How’s that for national priorities!

In recent months, world leaders from the president to the pope have been speaking out on this long ignored, but critical issue. Several months ago a number of us in the Senate and House urged President Obama to issue an executive order to raise the minimum wage for federal contract workers from $7.25 to $10.10 an hour. Recently, the president did just that. I applaud him for taking this important step forward.  But much more needs to be done.

Within the next several weeks Democrats in the Senate will be bringing forth legislation to raise the national minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 an hour. If this effort succeeds, 30 million Americans will be getting a long overdue pay raise. And, just last week, House Democrats indicated that they are preparing to undertake what is known as a discharge petition which would force a vote on the minimum wage in the Republican controlled House of Representatives.

Momentum is on our side. Now is the time for Congress to act!

Please join me and Democracy for America in calling on Congress to increase the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour.

Currently, powerful forces in the Republican Party, under the influence of the Koch brothers and other billionaire families, continue to call for major cuts in programs desperately needed by working families. While the rich become richer and the poor become poorer, these billionaires are waging a relentless fight to cut nutrition programs, education, health care and more.

Incredibly, instead of supporting an increase in the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, they want to end the concept of the minimum wage — and create a situation where workers in high-unemployment areas could be forced to work for $3 or $4 an hour. For them, “freedom” means that desperate people are “free” to work for starvation wages. 

Working together, our job is to create an economy and a government that works for working families and the most vulnerable Americans, and not just Wall Street and multi-national corporations. And Congress should begin by raising the minimum wage!

Please stand with me and Democracy for America today in demanding that Congress increase the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour!

Thank you for all that you do.


U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders

Debbie’s goal is to raise $25,000 this month

Dear R

I’ve been married to Debbie for more than 20 years, and to say the least, I know her pretty well.alph,

One thing I know is she can take the heat.

Last fall, the Republican National Committee got an early start — running robocalls lying about her record of support for veterans. Now, there’s a TV ad spreading more lies about Debbie’s record — and I’ve had enough.

While I know she can take the heat, I also know she needs our help to fight back.

Clearly, this is the earliest the other side has begun their attacks. I want you to help me ensure Debbie has the resources she needs against the three Republicans who have filed to run against her.

Debbie’s goal is to raise $25,000 this month, and every little bit counts. If you can give $5 to help Debbie keep fighting for middle class families, you’ll be standing up to the obstructionists who have ground Congress to a halt — and you’ll be supporting a strong voice for all of us.

Debbie’s counting on you, and I know you’ll come through like you always do. Thank you for everything you do.


Steve Schultz

Bernie Buzz: A Focus on Income Inequality


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The Bernie Buzz
TAKE THE QUIZ: Was it Pope Francis, President Obama, Sen. Sanders or Sam Polk?
State of the Union
President Obama used his Tuesday night address to a joint session of Congress to say he is signing an executive order that will set the minimum wage for federal contractor workers at $10.10 an hour. Bernie applauded the move. In a Sept. 25 letter to the White House, Bernie and 14 other senators had called on Obama to do just that. Obama’s move also lent momentum to legislation that would raise the minimum pay for all workers to $10.10 from the current $7.25 an hour. The move to help low-wage workers was the substantive centerpiece of a nationally-televised speech that put a spotlight on income inequality in America. It’s an issue that too many for too long had all but ignored, but that’s changing now. World leaders from the president to the pope speaking out on what Bernie has called a national disgrace.
Online Town Meeting on NSA
The National Security Agency’s surveillance of millions of Americans’ telephone and email records will be the topic of a town meeting this weekend in Montpelier, Vt. Can’t be there in person? Watch it live online at 1 pm ET Saturday on Bernie’s Senate website. Bernie invited two national authorities on civil liberties — Georgetown Law Professor David Cole and the National Lawyers Guild’s Heidi Boghosian — to speak on government surveillance and corporate attacks on privacy rights. As Bernie has said, “The threat of terrorist attacks against the United States is real and the U.S. government must be vigorous in protecting the American people from possible attacks. I believe, however, that we can accomplish that goal without undermining the constitutional and privacy rights which make us a free society.”
Veterans Legislation
Bernie has introduced the most comprehensive legislation for veterans to come before the Senate in decades. The Senate is expected to take up the measure soon to restore pensions for military retirees and expand health care, dental care and education benefits. As chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Bernie put together a bill that has garnered support from virtually every major veterans group in the country. The legislation, he said, will “deliver on the promises that we have made to our service members.”
Koch World: 2014
Oxfam: 85 Richest People as Wealthy as Poorest Half of the World
The Guardian
U.N. Says Lag in Confronting Climate Woes Will Be Costly
The New York Times
Feb. 1: Bernie will host a town meeting at 1 p.m. ET on NSA surveillance
Listen to “Brunch with Bernie” Fridays at 3 p.m. ET
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No Fast Track for TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership)

Ralph —

The Trans-Pacific Partnership — otherwise known as “NAFTA on steroids” — was just dealt a huge blow. Late yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters in no uncertain terms that he opposes legislation that would “fast track” the treaty.However, while Reid’s firm stance diminishes the chances that the President will be given fast track authority by the Senate, it doesn’t kill those chances completely. If Fast Track were to pass the House, Reid would be under overwhelming pressure from moderate Democrats — especially those up for re-election this year — to cave in and allow the bill to pass with mostly Republican votes.

Progressives need to keep Reid out of that dangerous position. And we can’t do that without the vocal support of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

Reid did his part. Now it’s time for Rep. Pelosi to do hers. Tell Nancy Pelosi to put her foot down — publicly oppose Fast Track and the TPP today.

Nancy Pelosi is with us on the issues that matter most 90% of the time. She voted against giving President Bush fast track authority in 2002, and she was a vocal opponent of other similar trade deals like CAFTA. She’s said publicly that she has concerns about the TPP. Yet she continues to avoid taking the kind of bold stance against Fast Track and TPP that might make a difference in the legislation’s chances.

Right now, we need leadership — not lip service — to stop the next NAFTA. Potential Democratic co-sponsors of Fast Track in the House are watching Pelosi closely. They don’t want to go against party leaders publicly. But if they can claim ignorance of the Minority Leader’s position, they might jump in and give this bill the bipartisan credibility it needs to become law.

We’ve had Nancy Pelosi’s back in the past. American workers need her help today. Tell Leader Pelosi to take a bold, clear stand against Fast Track and the TPP now.

Thank you for keeping Democrats honest,

Jim Dean, Chair  Democracy for America


From the Desk of Senator Cory Booker

Friend —

President Obama’s speech last night reminded me of something that one of New Jersey’s most famous philosophers,Bruce Springsteen, once said:

“You can’t have a United States if you are telling some folks that they can’t get on the train.”

That’s what our President and our party are all about: Making sure that everyone can get on that train.

But it’s going to take everyone doing their part to make that vision a reality.

This year, we have a real chance to pick up 17 additional seats and elect a House of Representatives that will work with this President to tackle our most important challenges. Will you chip in $10 or more to help?

It wasn’t easy for me to decide to run for the Senate, but I did it because like Bruce, President Obama, and so many of us, I believe that every child deserves a chance at success. I’m in D.C. to make sure every kid in New Jersey and every kid in America has a seat on the train — no matter where they live or what their background is — and I need your help.

If you’re with us in the fight to make sure every American has the opportunity to succeed, chip in $10 or more to support Democratic candidates today:

Thanks so much for joining me,


Senator Cory Booker
New Jersey



Folks, our friends at the DCCC are giving away free (no donation necessary) “Stop the War on Women” bumper stickers.

See below for more, get your bumper sticker, and show the right wing Republicans that you are fighting back!  

John Hlinko, Left Action



They said what?!

In just the last week, Republicans have made their nauseating views on women’s rights known daily.  Before we get into the lowlights, we wanted to make sure you were one of the first get our new bumper sticker (for free!).


Get Your
            Free Sticker

Now that you’ve ordered your free sticker, here’s a cringeworthy list of Republican attacks on women — from just the last week:

  • Congressman Steve Pearce claimed in his new memoir that women should “voluntarily submit” to their husbands.
  • Mike Huckabee basically said that birth control coverage is for women who can’t control their “libidos.”
  • On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler said we should end a woman’s right to choose altogether since it “robs men” of fatherhood.

And next week, House Republicans are set to vote on HR 7, an astoundingly anti-choice bill with severe restrictions on women’s choices.  If you’re sick of it, help us call out Republicans for their reprehensible war on women.

Click here to get your sticker >>

Thanks for standing with us.

Democrats 2014

The Koch brothers goal

Al Franken - U.S. Senator, Minnesota

“Al Franken must be defeated.”
— Conservative Campaign Committee email

Dear Ralph,

I think that line pretty much says it all. The special interests are targeting Al.

According to a recent report by NBC’s Chuck Todd, Minnesota just made the short list of states that the GOP is targeting this year’s elections.

And the billionaire Koch brothers haven’t wasted a minute taking advantage of Minnesota’s new “competitive” status — their special interest group, Americans for Prosperity, has already begun running attacks.

The Koch’s and their special interest friends have made their move. Now it’s our turn. This month, we’ve got a goal to hit — $200,000 by January 30th — but we can’t do that without you. Contribute $5 or more right now to help us get there.

Special interests are spending millions of dollars in states like Minnesota this year. Their goal is to go into races people don’t think are competitive and buy enough influence to push right-wing candidates over the top.

And, according to Chuck Todd, they’re getting pretty good at it.

There’s only one thing standing between Al and these special interest attacks: Us.

We need to reach this $200,000 goal, and we’ve only got another 8 days to do it. Can you give $5 or more right now to help?

Thanks for everything.

Matt Burgess

Campaign Manager
Al Franken for Senate 2014

P.S.: There’s no telling when the next round of attacks will come. And we can’t just wait around to find out. We need to fight back now — give $5 or more to help us hit this $200,000 goal.