Bernie 2016

From Bernie Sanders <>

To Ralph McCarthy/
Oct 5 at 9:35 AM

Bernie Buzz: A Focus on Income Inequality


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The Bernie Buzz
TAKE THE QUIZ: Was it Pope Francis, President Obama, Sen. Sanders or Sam Polk?
State of the Union
President Obama used his Tuesday night address to a joint session of Congress to say he is signing an executive order that will set the minimum wage for federal contractor workers at $10.10 an hour. Bernie applauded the move. In a Sept. 25 letter to the White House, Bernie and 14 other senators had called on Obama to do just that. Obama’s move also lent momentum to legislation that would raise the minimum pay for all workers to $10.10 from the current $7.25 an hour. The move to help low-wage workers was the substantive centerpiece of a nationally-televised speech that put a spotlight on income inequality in America. It’s an issue that too many for too long had all but ignored, but that’s changing now. World leaders from the president to the pope speaking out on what Bernie has called a national disgrace.
Online Town Meeting on NSA
The National Security Agency’s surveillance of millions of Americans’ telephone and email records will be the topic of a town meeting this weekend in Montpelier, Vt. Can’t be there in person? Watch it live online at 1 pm ET Saturday on Bernie’s Senate website. Bernie invited two national authorities on civil liberties — Georgetown Law Professor David Cole and the National Lawyers Guild’s Heidi Boghosian — to speak on government surveillance and corporate attacks on privacy rights. As Bernie has said, “The threat of terrorist attacks against the United States is real and the U.S. government must be vigorous in protecting the American people from possible attacks. I believe, however, that we can accomplish that goal without undermining the constitutional and privacy rights which make us a free society.”
Veterans Legislation
Bernie has introduced the most comprehensive legislation for veterans to come before the Senate in decades. The Senate is expected to take up the measure soon to restore pensions for military retirees and expand health care, dental care and education benefits. As chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Bernie put together a bill that has garnered support from virtually every major veterans group in the country. The legislation, he said, will “deliver on the promises that we have made to our service members.”
Koch World: 2014
Oxfam: 85 Richest People as Wealthy as Poorest Half of the World
The Guardian
U.N. Says Lag in Confronting Climate Woes Will Be Costly
The New York Times
Feb. 1: Bernie will host a town meeting at 1 p.m. ET on NSA surveillance
Listen to “Brunch with Bernie” Fridays at 3 p.m. ET
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The Koch brothers goal

Al Franken - U.S. Senator, Minnesota

“Al Franken must be defeated.”
— Conservative Campaign Committee email

Dear Ralph,

I think that line pretty much says it all. The special interests are targeting Al.

According to a recent report by NBC’s Chuck Todd, Minnesota just made the short list of states that the GOP is targeting this year’s elections.

And the billionaire Koch brothers haven’t wasted a minute taking advantage of Minnesota’s new “competitive” status — their special interest group, Americans for Prosperity, has already begun running attacks.

The Koch’s and their special interest friends have made their move. Now it’s our turn. This month, we’ve got a goal to hit — $200,000 by January 30th — but we can’t do that without you. Contribute $5 or more right now to help us get there.

Special interests are spending millions of dollars in states like Minnesota this year. Their goal is to go into races people don’t think are competitive and buy enough influence to push right-wing candidates over the top.

And, according to Chuck Todd, they’re getting pretty good at it.

There’s only one thing standing between Al and these special interest attacks: Us.

We need to reach this $200,000 goal, and we’ve only got another 8 days to do it. Can you give $5 or more right now to help?

Thanks for everything.

Matt Burgess

Campaign Manager
Al Franken for Senate 2014

P.S.: There’s no telling when the next round of attacks will come. And we can’t just wait around to find out. We need to fight back now — give $5 or more to help us hit this $200,000 goal.



Al Franken U.S. Senator Minnesota

Al Franken - U.S. Senator, Minnesota

Dear Ralph,

When we were combing through the questions you sent in through our “Ask Al” page (it’s right here in case you want to send in a question for our next installment), we noticed a lot of questions about Medicare.

Q. (Bob C.) Any chance of changing the law so Medicare can bargain for better prescription drug prices similar to what the VA does?

This is a great question, because letting Medicare negotiate for better drug prices is a great idea.

A little background: Medicare represents a lot of people, and so if it could negotiate directly with the drug companies, it would be able to deliver the same benefits for seniors at a lower cost. For instance: As Bob says, the Department of Veterans Affairs uses its size to negotiate, and for the ten most-prescribed drugs, the VA pays about half what Medicare does.

The only reason Medicare doesn’t negotiate for better prices is — get this — it’s literally against the law for the government to negotiate to get a better deal. That’s an actual law that Washington politicians passed. It’s a huge giveaway to big drug companies that don’t need the help, and it makes zero sense — especially when getting rid of that rule could save us up to $240 billion over ten years.

That’s why I’ve fought to change that law ever since I got to the Senate, and why I’m going to keep fighting until we get it done.

Q. (Colin C.) How are you and your Senate colleagues going to protect Social Security, Medicare, and pensions for all of us seniors? These are not entitlement programs — we have all personally paid into them and they are not some piggy bank to be used to fund other aspects of the government.

I agree — and that’s why it bothers me to see politicians in Washington suggest making deep cuts to Social Security benefits or turning Medicare into a voucher program. We have to reduce the deficit without resorting to attacks on the economic and health security of our seniors.

You might have heard me talk about how my wife Franni’s family made it through serious financial struggles thanks in large part to Social Security survivor benefits. And even today, Social Security means economic security for millions of seniors and families.

Medicare is a similar promise: If you work hard and play by the rules your whole life, you won’t have to worry that an injury or illness after your retirement will mean economic ruin.

And while there are ways we can work to protect the solvency of these programs (like letting Medicare negotiate for cheaper drugs), we simply have to draw a line in the sand on anything that would threaten these underlying promises.

For instance: The “Ryan plan” for Medicare would take away the guarantee of health care and replace it with a voucher — a coupon that might. . . or might not. . . cover the cost of the care you need. It’s a terrible idea, and I’ll fight it every time it comes up.

If you have questions about Medicare and Social Security, or about anything, drop me a line through the “Ask Al” page here. I’ll answer a few more in an upcoming email.



P.S.: Thanks to everyone who’s already sent in questions. If you’d like to send in one of your own, you can do so at this link.

Paid for and authorized by Al Franken for Senate 2014

P.O. Box 583144  |  Minneapolis, MN 55458-3144

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