CSU’s Women & Gender Advocacy Center Observes Sexual Assault Awareness Month Throughout April

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Contact for Reporters: Kayla Green

CSU’s Women & Gender Advocacy Center Observes Sexual Assault Awareness Month Throughout April

FORT COLLINS – Colorado State University’s Women & Gender Advocacy Center will observe Sexual Assault Awareness Month throughout April with various events.

“Highlighting the importance of sexual assault awareness during the month of April allows us to put a spotlight on the conversation and the importance of the issues that our Center focuses on throughout the year,” said Kathy Sisneros, director of the Women and Gender Advocacy Center. “One of the most underrated aspects that I think the average person doesn’t realize is just how many people identify as a primary or secondary survivor of sexual assault. I think that if our campus community was more in tune with how many of our students enter CSU already affected, we would be more aggressive in trying to shift our culture of silence related to sexual assault and focus much more of our efforts on educating students as to what consensual sex is and isn’t.”

This year, the Women and Gender Advocacy Center is highlighting two specific events: a keynote event with Guante and a workshop on personal protection and empowerment.

Guante, a hip-hop artist, two-time national poetry slam champion, social justice activist, educator and writer, will speak at 8 p.m. April 8 in the LSC Theatre.

The Personal Protection and Empowerment workshop, set for 10 a.m.-2 p.m. April 26, will explore safety and different strategies for increasing freedoms rather than restricting them.

“We firmly believe that the only person responsible for preventing violence is the person who chooses to commit it. Having said that, we also recognize that for some students, walking across campus at night, declining a date, being away from home or navigating past trauma can feel daunting. Everyone deserves to feel safe on campus and this session will explore the gendered dynamics of ‘safety’ and teach interpersonal/psychological strategies that increase rather than restrict freedoms,” said Monica Rivera, assistant director for Prevention and Education Programs at the Women and Gender Advocacy Center.

Registration for this event is required. To register, email Monica Rivera at Monica.Rivera@colostate.edu.

Events throughout the month aim to educate and raise awareness about sexual violence:

Women and Gender Advocacy Open House
10 a.m.-3 p.m. April 9, Women and Gender Advocacy Center, 112 Student Services Building
Stop by WGAC to say hi, meet the staff, enjoy refreshments and check out some of our resources. We will have games, raffles, and snacks all day.

Porn: Would You Know It If You See It?
7-8 p.m. April 15, LSC 228
In this open session of Men in the Movement, we will discuss the pervasive mainstreaming of pornography in the U.S. To learn more about the messages and implications, come as you are.

Self-Compassion for Survivors: An Intro to Using Acceptance, Gratitude, and Mindfulness to Relieve Emotional Suffering
6-7 p.m. April 16, Behavioral Sciences Building 131
Pain is inevitable, but suffering is not. This workshop will explore ways to cope with pain in meaningful ways that may help you to live a life you value with — not in spite of — your past.

Take Back the Night
7-9 p.m. April 17, CSU Montfort Quad
This internationally recognized rally and protest creates an atmosphere of empowerment while raising awareness about sexual violence. The event begins with a speak-out and ends with a march to Old Town. No recording will be allowed at the speak-out prior to the march. This event is hosted by Campus Feminist Alliance.

Film Screening & Discussion: The Line
7-8 p.m. April 23, Natural Resources 113
Told through a “sex-positive” lens, The Line is a short documentary about the filmmaker, who confronts her rapist on film. Sex workers, survivors and activists discuss justice, accountability and today’s “rape culture.” The film asks: Where is the line defining consent? This event is co-sponsored by Fraternity and Sorority Life.

Clothesline Project
6-8 p.m. April 24, Durrell Center
The Clothesline Project is a visual display of shirts with messages and illustrations that have been designed by survivors of violence or their loved ones. T-shirt making sessions will allow survivors to make a free anonymous shirt for the exhibit.

Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (SaVE) Act & Title IX: Role and Responsibilities of Faculty and Staff
Noon-1:30 p.m. April 25, Clark A206
Please join the Women and Gender Advocacy Center, Support & Safety Assessment, and Conflict Resolution & Student Conduct Services to explore how federal legislation and guidance influence ways in which sexual misconduct cases are addressed at CSU. There will be time for Q&A for faculty and staff to better understand their role if a student discloses an account of interpersonal violence.

Rape: The Reality of Blurred Lines: Workshop by Cori Wong
Noon-1:30 p.m. April 28, LSC 224
Unfortunately, our cultural assumptions surrounding rape often don’t align with actual experiences of rape, sexual assault, and sexual coercion. Because of these misperceptions, many survivors might remain silent because they don’t know if their experience “counts” as rape, and many perpetrators may not realize how they are crossing sexual boundaries and harming others.

CTMO Consent Carnival
6-8 p.m. April 28, Corbett Hall
The annual consent carnival includes carnival games, prizes, snacks and the Consent Turns Me On photo booth. This event is sponsored by G

Bernie Buzz: A Focus on Income Inequality


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The Bernie Buzz
TAKE THE QUIZ: Was it Pope Francis, President Obama, Sen. Sanders or Sam Polk?
State of the Union
President Obama used his Tuesday night address to a joint session of Congress to say he is signing an executive order that will set the minimum wage for federal contractor workers at $10.10 an hour. Bernie applauded the move. In a Sept. 25 letter to the White House, Bernie and 14 other senators had called on Obama to do just that. Obama’s move also lent momentum to legislation that would raise the minimum pay for all workers to $10.10 from the current $7.25 an hour. The move to help low-wage workers was the substantive centerpiece of a nationally-televised speech that put a spotlight on income inequality in America. It’s an issue that too many for too long had all but ignored, but that’s changing now. World leaders from the president to the pope speaking out on what Bernie has called a national disgrace.
Online Town Meeting on NSA
The National Security Agency’s surveillance of millions of Americans’ telephone and email records will be the topic of a town meeting this weekend in Montpelier, Vt. Can’t be there in person? Watch it live online at 1 pm ET Saturday on Bernie’s Senate website. Bernie invited two national authorities on civil liberties — Georgetown Law Professor David Cole and the National Lawyers Guild’s Heidi Boghosian — to speak on government surveillance and corporate attacks on privacy rights. As Bernie has said, “The threat of terrorist attacks against the United States is real and the U.S. government must be vigorous in protecting the American people from possible attacks. I believe, however, that we can accomplish that goal without undermining the constitutional and privacy rights which make us a free society.”
Veterans Legislation
Bernie has introduced the most comprehensive legislation for veterans to come before the Senate in decades. The Senate is expected to take up the measure soon to restore pensions for military retirees and expand health care, dental care and education benefits. As chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Bernie put together a bill that has garnered support from virtually every major veterans group in the country. The legislation, he said, will “deliver on the promises that we have made to our service members.”
Koch World: 2014
Oxfam: 85 Richest People as Wealthy as Poorest Half of the World
The Guardian
U.N. Says Lag in Confronting Climate Woes Will Be Costly
The New York Times
Feb. 1: Bernie will host a town meeting at 1 p.m. ET on NSA surveillance
Listen to “Brunch with Bernie” Fridays at 3 p.m. ET
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No Fast Track for TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership)

Ralph —

The Trans-Pacific Partnership — otherwise known as “NAFTA on steroids” — was just dealt a huge blow. Late yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters in no uncertain terms that he opposes legislation that would “fast track” the treaty.However, while Reid’s firm stance diminishes the chances that the President will be given fast track authority by the Senate, it doesn’t kill those chances completely. If Fast Track were to pass the House, Reid would be under overwhelming pressure from moderate Democrats — especially those up for re-election this year — to cave in and allow the bill to pass with mostly Republican votes.

Progressives need to keep Reid out of that dangerous position. And we can’t do that without the vocal support of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

Reid did his part. Now it’s time for Rep. Pelosi to do hers. Tell Nancy Pelosi to put her foot down — publicly oppose Fast Track and the TPP today.

Nancy Pelosi is with us on the issues that matter most 90% of the time. She voted against giving President Bush fast track authority in 2002, and she was a vocal opponent of other similar trade deals like CAFTA. She’s said publicly that she has concerns about the TPP. Yet she continues to avoid taking the kind of bold stance against Fast Track and TPP that might make a difference in the legislation’s chances.

Right now, we need leadership — not lip service — to stop the next NAFTA. Potential Democratic co-sponsors of Fast Track in the House are watching Pelosi closely. They don’t want to go against party leaders publicly. But if they can claim ignorance of the Minority Leader’s position, they might jump in and give this bill the bipartisan credibility it needs to become law.

We’ve had Nancy Pelosi’s back in the past. American workers need her help today. Tell Leader Pelosi to take a bold, clear stand against Fast Track and the TPP now.

Thank you for keeping Democrats honest,

Jim Dean, Chair  Democracy for America


YEEEEAAARRRRRGGGHHHH!!! Gov. Howard Dean..shout out!


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Dear Ralph.
It’s hard to believe it was ten years ago tonight. On this day a decade ago — January 19, 2004 — I gave one of the most famous speeches in the history of American politics. Or perhaps “infamous” would be more accurate.

I’m guessing you might remember the climactic moment of that night, as I enthusiastically rallied my presidential campaign supporters in the aftermath of a disappointing finish in the Iowa Caucus:

Not only are we going to New Hampshire, Tom Harkin, we’re going to South Carolina and Oklahoma and Arizona and North Dakota and New Mexico! And we’re going to California and Texas and New York! And we’re going to South Dakota and Oregon and Washington and Michigan, and then we’re going to Washington, D.C., to take back the White House! 


While the “Dean Scream” became fodder for late night comedians, including a hilarious version by Dave Chappelle I still laugh about, I also feel very proud of the state-by-state preamble to my unforgettable rallying cry. Because, when I said we were heading to New Hampshire and South Carolina and Oklahoma… and to Washington, DC to take back the White House… it turns out I wasn’t kidding.

In a funny way, that moment was the launch of the 50 State Strategy — a leave-no-community-behind framework for change that transformed the Democratic Party in the years to come, fueling my campaign to become DNC Chair in 2005 and the fight to take back Congress in 2006 and the presidency in 2008.

Ten years later, the organization I founded to carry on the empowerment ethos of my presidential campaign — Democracy for America — is stronger than ever and the 50 State Strategy continues to this day.

If you appreciate what DFA has accomplished over the last decade, will you contribute to help support DFA and its members for the next ten years? Click here to chip in $3.

Since 2004, DFA — fueled by more than 1 million members across America — has:

  • Trained over 75,000 people from Florida to Alaska on how to win campaigns
  • Helped elect progressive leaders like Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, state legislators from New Hampshire to Washington, and candidates to the Board of Education in places like Texas
  • Fought for workers’ rights in Ohio and Michigan and helped lead the recall election against Scott Walker in Wisconsin
  • Defended a woman’s right to choose by supporting candidates like Wendy Davis in Texas and organizations like Planned Parenthood, while also taking on — and defeating — regressive anti-choice ballot initiatives in red states like South Dakota and Oklahoma
  • Empowered our members to lead the national fight against fracking in Congress and locally in the Northeast and California
  • Mobilized local DFA groups like Northside DFA in Chicago, DC for Democracy, and Democracy for New York City to change their communities and local governments

While we have accomplished a great deal since 2004, we still have a lot of work ahead of us — and the biggest hurdle our country faces is income inequality. As my friend Robert Reich said on a recent DFA conference call we did together, the ever-widening gap between the ultra-wealthy and the middle class is crushing the American dream.

As you know, DFA is fighting every day for economic justice. Just within the last few months, DFA has been spearheading battles to extend unemployment benefits, raise the minimum wage, prevent cuts to food stamps, stop bad trade deals, and expand Social Security.

It’s an ambitious agenda for America and I’m extremely proud of our team for taking it on. I am amazed by where we have come from, how much we have grown, and what we have accomplished. And, of course, we could not have created so much change without the help of DFA members like you.

Help us continue the work we started ten years ago. Chip in $3 to support DFA’s relentless focus on income inequality and electing progressive changemakers across America this November.

Thank you so much for your support. Together, nothing can hold us back.

– Howard

Gov. Howard Dean
Founder, Democracy for America

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CSU News Highlights

CSU in the News

Kapri Bibbs declares for 2014 NFL Draft, forgoing last years at CSU
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Colorado State sophomore running back Kapri Bibbs announced Sunday that his record-setting 2013 season will be his last at the college level.
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Temple Grandin (video)
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We revisit a conversation with Temple Grandin, a well-known adult with autism, best-selling author, and professor of animal science at Colorado State University.
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CSU to test metro Denver waters with engineering program
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In its first semester, Colorado State University’s Denver South initiative will provide graduate-level classes to engineers from some of the world’s leading companies, including CH2M Hill and Lockheed Martin.
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Colorado awards nearly $3M to support innovation through Advanced Industries Program

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Legal pot sales begin amid uncertainty in Colo.
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It’s easy to see why the industry is attracting so many people. A Colorado State University study estimates the state will ring up $606 million in sales next year, and the market will grow from 105,000 medical pot users to 643,000 adult users overnight — and that’s not counting tourists.
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Growing your own marijuana in Colorado: Legal doesn’t mean simple
Denver Post

Still, it’s not like home growers can call a Colorado State University extension agent for growing advice; those experts are prohibited from answering any questions related to marijuana. Even though Amendment 64 specifically allows advice on growing marijuana, greenhouse and nursery staff often shy away from the subject.
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Local wineries catch wave of industry growth
Fairplay Flume

Across Park County and Colorado, wine enthusiasts are buying up more local wines, according to a report conducted by Colorado State University’s Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. The report, which was commissioned by the Colorado Wine Industry Development Board and released on Dec. 10, said the state’s wine industry has more than tripled its economic impact to approximately $144 million.
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This year’s crop freezing on the vines
Grand Junction Sentinel

Western Colorado’s wine-grape crop faces another blow this year after record-low cold temperatures earlier this month killed vines and grape buds across the valley. “It’s been really cold and it was very early,” said state viticulturist Horst Caspari at Colorado State University’s Western Colorado Research Center on Orchard Mesa. “Our temperatures (in early December) were 18 to 20 degrees lower than normal.”
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Researchers from park service, university studying haze at Theodore Roosevelt National Park
Associated Press

Researchers from the National Park Service and Colorado State University are studying haze levels in Theodore Roosevelt National Park in western North Dakota. Haze has become more noticeable in park’s north unit, which is surrounded by intensive oil and gas development.
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. Beetle kill forests’ uncertain future after the epidemic

Professor Skip Smith, head of Colorado State University’s Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship, wandered on Friday through a lodgepole pine forest just west of Red Feather Lakes, and he couldn’t find a single living mountain pine beetle. But the evidence that the bark beetle had been there was clear.
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A Tragic Year For Wildland Firefighters Ends In Reflection

Doug Rideout of Colorado State University’s West Fire Research Center is cautious about reading too much into this bad year. He says one large event doesn’t make a trend.
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On climate change, Florida’s been warned (w/video)
Tampa Bay Newspapers

“We’re going to lose our forest,” A. Scott Denning, a professor of atmospheric science at Colorado State University, told the gathering. “We’re not going to have forests in Colorado 50 years from now.” If it sounds alarmist, Denning makes it clear that the problem is that serious. He says it’s simple, serious and solvable.
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Report: CSU, UNC had ‘weak’ financial health
Northern Colorado Business Report

Colorado State University and the University of Northern Colorado had “weak financial health” during fiscal 2011 to 2012, according to a new report to the legislative Joint Budget Committee. The report came as CSU saw funding cuts from the state of Colorado and as the university invested in improvements to its facilities, said Rich Schweigert, chief financial officer of the CSU system.
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Budget software raises questions
Pueblo Chieftain

On Friday, the CSU system released its own budget summary for CSU-Pueblo that suggested the school’s basic operating deficit ranges between $4.1 million in 2008 to as much as $16.3 million in 2010.
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Nutrition labels need to be visual
Boston Globe

Ask Gina Mohr of Colorado State University. Two months ago, she brought home what she thought was “natural” ice cream from the supermarket, but her husband said it did not taste right. Turned out it was frozen dessert with artificial flavors that she views as unhealthy. Mohr said the current system still puts too much responsibility on consumers to decipher the health value of foods, especially when the removal of some ingredients may be cosmetic.
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Nuts pack nutritional benefits
Sterling Journal-Advocate

Melissa Wdowik is an assistant professor at Colorado State University in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, and director of the Kendall Anderson Nutrition Center.
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CSU in the Blogosphere

Dr. Temple Grandin Shares Her Insights Into the Autistic Brain in a February 2014 PresenceLearning Webinar

Dr. Temple Grandin, a leading expert on and author about autism, will kick off the series with “The Autistic Brain” on Thursday, February 13th, 2014 at 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM PT (12:30 PM to 2 PM ET).
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Adding a New Dimension: Lidar and Archaeology
Optics and Photonics News

One of the targeted sites, Angamuco in the southwestern Mexican state of Michoacán, belonged to the Purépecha people, says Christopher Fisher, one of two Colorado State University archaeologists studying lidar data from this region. Based on their Angamuco survey, Fisher and colleague Stephen Leisz plan to begin excavating this month.
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Taking Piroplasmosis Seriously

Josie Traub-Dargatz, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVIM, a professor at Colorado State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences and researcher in infectious diseases, explains how veterinarians might have overlooked an infected horse under the old screening process.
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Understanding potassium’s role in the ruminant diet
Drovers Cattle Network

Dr. Terry Engle, a Professor at Colorado State University has a research focus on trace minerals. I asked him some questions regarding potassium and at what point do we need to be concerned about toxicity and what potassium toxicity looks like.
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Higher Ed News

5 Higher-Ed Trends for 2014
National Journal

The underlying forces that drove change in 2013 aren’t likely to change in the new year: declining public funding, changing demographics, advancing technology, and a tough job market.
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Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 USA
© 2009 Colorado State University

Humboldt State Men’s Basketball Weekly Preview 12/30/13

 Dan Pambianco

December 30, 2013

Humboldt State Men’s Basketball Weekly Preview

New Year begins with games at CSUMB, CSUEB

This Week’s Game
Extended time off during holidays break in compliance with the NCAA’s Life in Balance initiative finds the Lumberjacks refreshed and ready to begin the 2014 part of their schedule. Or does the time off leave them rusty and lethargic heading into this week’s California Collegiate Athletic Association games?“The team looked hungry and inspired during practice today,” head coach Steve Kinder said, following the Jacks’ return to the court Monday. “Charges, loose balls and toughness were the backbone of our goals today. I liked the way the team responded to what is typically a difficult practice, coming back from break.”

Unfulfilled thus far despite respectable performances by the Lumberjacks as a team and individuals, Humboldt State begins the new year still seeking its first CCAA win. HSU attempts to address that predicament this week during a pair of away games, first facing CSU Monterey Bay (3-4, 1-3) on Friday in Seaside, then taking on Cal State East Bay (5-5, 2-2) on Saturday in Hayward. Both contests tip off at 7:30 p.m.

Track the Jacks
Audio: Every Humboldt State men’s basketball game is broadcast live on the local airwaves on KATA 1340 AM, the North Coast’s ESPN affiliate owned by BiCoastal Media. J.B. Mathers handles the play-by-play responsibilities, beginning with the pregame show 15 minutes prior to tip-off. The audio is also streamed live online at http://socialstreamingplayer.crystalmedianetworks.com/radio/kataam.

Video: Friday’s game will be streamed live on CSU Monterey Bay’s site at http://www.otterathletics.com/sports/2007/11/6/listenlive.aspx?id=62. No video stream is available for Saturday’s contest at CSUEB.

Live Stats: Follow Friday’s action online via CSU Monterey Bay’s live statistics viewer, located at the following link: http://www.sidearmstats.com/csumb/mbball/. Saturday’s updates will be available on CSU East Bay’s website at http://www.sidearmstats.com/csueastbay/mbball/.

Head-to-Head History
Last year’s two-game series produced a split, with a 70-61 Otters’ win in Seaside and a 108-100 Jacks’ victory in Arcata. HSU’s loss to CSUMB marked the first time an Otters’ team had defeated the Lumberjacks. Humboldt State enters this season’s series with an 18-1 record vs. CSU Monterey Bay. …The Jacks and CSUEB Pioneers also took a game last year, each winning on their own home court. HSU claimed a 77-69 win in Arcata, and CSUEB won, 78-70, in Hayward. In the all-time series the Jacks still trail the Pioneers, 35-48.

Statistically Speaking
Three hundred and five schools and their variable rosters of athletes will be sorted weekly in the NCAA Division II statistical rankings. Here’s a look at where the Jacks rank, team-wise and individually, in selected national and CCAA categories following seven games.

Team/Player Category Mark    NCAA    CCAA
HSU FG% 50.7 25 2
HSU Scoring Off 84.9 54 1
HSU Assists 152 91 1
David Howard Double Doubles 6.0 16 1
David Howard FG% 66.1 41 4
David Howard Field Goals 77 33 1
David Howard RPG 8.1 81 3
Allan Guei A/TO Ratio 6.0 3 1

Probable Starters
#4 Parker Farris, 6-4, 180, Fr., G, McKinleyville
#22 Will Taylor, 6-4, 220, So., G/F, Eureka
#10 Jordan Mackie, 6-6, 190, Jr., G/F, Los Angeles
#25 Allan Guei, 5-9, 163, Jr., G, Los Angeles
#32 David Howard, 6-7, 230, Jr., F, Chicago

Cal State Monterey Bay
#3 Brandon Cole, 6-1, 177, Sr., G, Victorville
#5 Alex Fertig, 6-3, 200, So., G, Fresno
#11 Ryan Nitz, 6-4, 182, So., F, Rancho Cucamonga
#15 Kris Gallop, 6-9, 215, Sr., Vallejo
#40 Jordy Scott, 6-7, 233, Jr., C, Lake Tahoe, Nev.

Cal State East Bay
#5 Jacari Whitfield, 5-, 160, Jr., G, San Francisco
#11 Mark Samuels, 6-0, 180, Sr., G, Berkeley
#22 Gabe Kindred, 6-2, 175, Sr., G, Oakland
#33 Ryan Hebrebrand, 6-5, 220, Sr., F, Livermore
#35 Kyle Frakes, 6-10, 225, Fr., C, Thousand Oaks

David Howard, The Sequel
Despite being slowed by a bout with the flu in the Jacks’ most recent game, forward David Howard continues to rank among league and national leaders in several statistical categories. Since returning to the court following a three-year hiatus, the junior leads the league in total field goals (77) and double-doubles (6).

Going his Guei
Flashy at moments, junior guard Allan Guei (rhymes with way) is still much better at being superbly understated. The transfer from Cal State Northridge rarely makes mistakes, and has been extremely effective directing the Jacks’ offense, setting up the system and distributing a team-high 36 assists. More remarkably, Guei has only committed six turnovers while playing a team-high 330 minutes (33.0 per game). His assist/turnover ration of 6.00 ranks third among NCAA Division II players.

Young and Younger
After establishing themselves as local prep legends, McKinleyville High’s Parker Farris and Arcata High’s Will Taylor – both freshmen – have already begun to make their marks in the collegiate ranks. Farris, averaging 8.7 points per game, has already hit a game-winning shot (vs. Pacifica), and Taylor, barely 18 when he started classes in the fall, has displayed composure and a variety of talents in posting a scoring average of 10.4 points per game. … “Our freshmen look promising, particularly Taylor and Farris,” Kinder said. “They have proven they can play as starters at the CCAA level. The fact that they are local products is icing on the cake.”

Scouting Cal State Monterey Bay
Cal State Monterey Bay brings a 3-4 overall record and 1-3 CCAA mark entering January. The Otters snapped a four-game losing streak with a 89-83 win over Cal State East Bay on Dec. 21. …Junior guard/forward junior Ryan Nitz is the Otters’ leading scorer with an average of 20.1 points per gam. That mark ranks him third among CCAA players.  Nitz leads the CCAA in steals (16, 2.3 spg) and is No. 4 in 3–point percentage (46.9). “Cal State Monterey Bay will bring a tough line of competition within their guard play and be difficult to beat on their home court,” Kinder said.

Scouting Cal State East Bay
Senior guard Gabe Kindred has been a consistent force for the Pioneers, who enter the week 5-5 overall and 2-2 in conference action. Kindred tops his team in scoring with an average of 19.6 points per game and ranks second in league in 3-point accuracy at .476 percent shooting. The only player ahead of him in that category is teammate Nick Grieves, a 6-4 junior who has connected on 54.3 percent of his long bombs.

Kinder’s Comments

“I am encouraged by our roster and new faces after 10 games. At .500 on the year, I believe we have accomplished some of our goals and our progressing to become better each and every game.”