Dear Ralph. I’m guessing you might remember the climactic moment of that night, as I enthusiastically rallied my presidential campaign supporters in the aftermath of a disappointing finish in the Iowa Caucus:
While the “Dean Scream” became fodder for late night comedians, including a hilarious version by Dave Chappelle I still laugh about, I also feel very proud of the state-by-state preamble to my unforgettable rallying cry. Because, when I said we were heading to New Hampshire and South Carolina and Oklahoma… and to Washington, DC to take back the White House… it turns out I wasn’t kidding. In a funny way, that moment was the launch of the 50 State Strategy — a leave-no-community-behind framework for change that transformed the Democratic Party in the years to come, fueling my campaign to become DNC Chair in 2005 and the fight to take back Congress in 2006 and the presidency in 2008. Ten years later, the organization I founded to carry on the empowerment ethos of my presidential campaign — Democracy for America — is stronger than ever and the 50 State Strategy continues to this day. Since 2004, DFA — fueled by more than 1 million members across America — has:
While we have accomplished a great deal since 2004, we still have a lot of work ahead of us — and the biggest hurdle our country faces is income inequality. As my friend Robert Reich said on a recent DFA conference call we did together, the ever-widening gap between the ultra-wealthy and the middle class is crushing the American dream. As you know, DFA is fighting every day for economic justice. Just within the last few months, DFA has been spearheading battles to extend unemployment benefits, raise the minimum wage, prevent cuts to food stamps, stop bad trade deals, and expand Social Security. It’s an ambitious agenda for America and I’m extremely proud of our team for taking it on. I am amazed by where we have come from, how much we have grown, and what we have accomplished. And, of course, we could not have created so much change without the help of DFA members like you. Thank you so much for your support. Together, nothing can hold us back. – Howard Gov. Howard Dean |
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