Monthly update Hide Details From Ann Kirkpatrick Kirkpatrick For Arizona


Thank you for taking the time to read this monthly update. I want to keep my supporters

informed about what I have been working on – such as creating jobs and building strong

infrastructures for a stable economy throughout CD1!

Historic water-rights agreement 

In late July, I joined White Mountain Apache Tribe Chairman Ronnie Lupe, former Sen.

Jon Kyl and many other tribal and federal leaders as history was made for Congressional

District 1 when U.S. Interior Secretary Jewell signed the final approval enacting the White

Mountain Apache Water Rights Settlement. This was the very first bill I introduced in

Congress – it passed in 2010. It guarantees water rights for the WMAT plus $200 million

for construction of a new water system and an additional $78.5 million for fish production

, lakes, irrigation and other water projects! I grew up on the White Mountain Apache Nation

and my family had to boil our water on the stove before we could use it. So I know how much

it means to folks in this region to finally have safe, clean drinking water.

Student-loan rate compromise reached

I’m pleased to report that on July 31, the House passed HR1911, which mirrored the

Senate’s compromise legislation that restores lower student-loan rates and prevents

growing debt. This passed with overwhelming bipartisan support, and it should help

students and families in our district and across the U.S.!  I’d like to thank all of those

students at NAU, U of A, Central Arizona College and across

our district who joined me in calling on Congress to act. Your voices made a difference!

Job Creation and Strong Infrastructures in AZ01

Job creation is one of my priorities because our district and state are still recovering

from the great recession, and we need to get folks back to work. I am committed to

efforts that create good-paying jobs so we can help revive the middle class.

We have already secured a number of important grants for infrastructure, education

and entrepreneurship across our district. These grants infuse our local economies

with critical funding that creates and saves jobs as well as builds a stronger

infrastructure to help these areas grow and thrive.

Here are a few examples of grants we obtained in July:

  • A $740,000 Rural Development loan for lodging rehabilitation in Pinetop-Lakeside
  • will not only save local jobs but create new ones in the construction industry! Helping
  • revitalize this hotel will help the local economy for years to come.
  • A $600,000 award to Northern Arizona University’s College of Engineering, Forestry
  • and Natural Sciences to provide scholarships to support academically talented students
  • with financial need after transferring from community and tribal colleges.
  • A $417,600 grant that provides funding for the Eloy Municipal Airport to conduct an
  • airport drainage study and rehabilitation of the taxiway.
  • A $136,590 grant to the Holbrook Municipal Airport to improve the outdated runway
  • lighting system to enhance the safety during low-visibility conditions.

Top 5 race to watch in the Southwest and first opponent

Things certainly are heating up on the campaign trail!

Last month, we were listed on Rothenberg’s ‘Top 5 Races to watch in the Southwest.’

Click here to read the entire article. 

We also got our first opponent, Adam Kwasman, who will be running in CD1 for the

Republican Party’s nomination. Having served for only a few months as a state legislator,

this far-right, extremist candidate is virtually unknown in most of our district, so let me

introduce him!

  • He is far to the right of Governor Jan Brewer and spent months attacking her
  • bipartisan effort to expand Medicaid.
  • He fought to keep tens of thousands of Arizonans from accessing health insurance.
  • He was the campaign manager for failed Tea Party extremist Jesse Kelly, who
  • famously said he “would love to eliminate” Social Security.

You and I both know someone like this is wrong for Arizona and wrong for CD1!

Thank you for reading through this month’s update! I want to keep you as informed as

possible. Please click here to follow my campaign onFacebook or Twitter!

Sincerely,  Ann Kirkpatrick

Mayors Against Illegal Guns Demand Action To End Gun Violence Ralph –I want to thank you for helping us achieve a victory we’ve been working toward

from the day we opened our doors.

After seven years of delay, the U.S. Senate has taken a critical step forward in the fight to reduce gun crime.

Yesterday, the Senate confirmed B. Todd Jones as the new director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms

and Explosives (ATF).

America finally has a top cop on guns. 

The calls, emails, and visits from supporters like you are changing the conversation in Washington. Our leaders

recognized that it was unacceptable to go on without a permanent ATF Director if we want to stem the flow of

illegal guns onto our streets and help keep our communities safe.

Share this important victory with your family and friends:

Click here to post to Facebook.

Not on Facebook? Forward this email or share from our site.

Director Jones is a law enforcement veteran and a tough prosecutor. With his leadership, America will be safer.

Thanks for your hard work,

Mark Glaze

Former Mobil VP Warns of Fracking and Climate Change by

Few people can explain gas and oil drilling with as much authority as Louis W. Allstadt. As an executive vice president of Mobil Oil who ran the company’s exploration and production operations in the western hemisphere before he retired in 2000. In 31 years with the company he also was in charge of its marketing and refining in Japan, and managed its worldwide supply, trading and transportation operations. Just before retiring, he oversaw Mobil’s side of its merger with Exxon, creating the world’s largest corporation  Go to to read full story.  Ellen Cantarow, Truthout: Louis Allstadt was the executive vice president of Mobil Oil Corporation for 31 years. Now the former big oil advocate is speaking out about the dangers of fracking. Former Mobil VP Warns of Fracking and Climate Change

In Detroit Bankruptcy

Ingham County Circuit Judge Rosemarie Aquilina ruled Friday afternoon that Detroit’s bankruptcy filing is “unconstitutional” and must be withdrawn.

The ruling, came after lawyers representing the city’s pension funds won an emergency hearing to block the bankruptcy filing.

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette said the state will now request a hearing with the Michigan Court of Appeals.

Earlier:   It’s the Poor Who Lose City’s rush towards bankruptcy spurs fears of further privatization, service gutting, poverty

To read full article

Last week, the Supreme Court brought us one step closer

Dear Ralph,

Last week, the Supreme Court brought us one step closer to achieving a promise as old as this nation: liberty for all. 

The Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). And in doing so, reaffirmed a fundamental American value — that discriminating against a person for who they are, or who they love, is wrong.

This Fourth of July weekend, as you watch fireworks with friends and family, think about how far we’ve come as a nation. The Supreme Court’s ruling was a huge victory on the road to true equality.

There’s still a long way to go. We’ll encounter more roadblocks and speed bumps along the way. But I will not quit until every American citizen enjoys the freedoms enshrined in our Constitution.

Thank you for everything you do. And please have a safe and happy holiday.

“House votes to resume deporting young DREAM Act immigrants” — Fox News, 6/6/2013

“House votes to resume deporting young DREAM Act immigrants” — Fox News, 6/6/2013

Dear Ralph,

We’re in the middle of the immigration reform debate in Washington, and the opening act by extreme House Republicans is to vote in favor of deporting 1.36 million children and young adults who call America home.*

We call these kids “DREAMers” after the proposed law, the DREAM Act, that would give them a shot at becoming a citizen of the only country they’ve ever called home. They were brought to this country by their parents when they were very young. Most of them don’t remember living anywhere else.

America truly is their home — and Republicans want to deport them. 

It is outrageous for us to punish DREAMers for choices their parents made decades ago. These kids are full of potential, but forced to live in the shadows because of their undocumented status. They deserve the chance to earn their citizenship by contributing to our communities.

When you boil it down, this fight is about keeping families together. I will keep fighting for the DREAM Act to be part of a comprehensive immigration reform package.

Thanks for reading, and for fighting alongside me on this important issue.



The Bernie Buzz News from the US Senate 1984 in 2013

The Bernie Buzz - News From the US
June 22, 2013
The National Security Agency secretly obtained telephone and Internet records on millions of innocent Americans using a controversial law called the USA Patriot Act. Bernie was among a small minority of House members who voted against the law in 2001. Now that the secret is out about the staggering scope of the surveillance, he wants Congress to reconsider what it did. Under Bernie’s “Restore Our Privacy Act,” authorities would have to establish a reasonable suspicion based on specific information to secure court approval to monitor a specific suspect. “We can effectively combat terrorism without sacrificing the civil liberties and constitutional protections which make us a free nation,” he said. “I believe that most Americans do not want to live in an Orwellian society where everything you do is recorded.”
Jobs, Not
 Jail Jobs, Not JailSenate leaders on Friday agreed to add a Bernie provision to an immigration reform bill that would put young Americans to work through summer and year-round jobs programs. Bernie argued that getting young Americans off the streets and into jobs was the least Congress should do in a bill that allows college students from around the world to take jobs that young Americans would otherwise perform. “Let us put our young people into jobs, not into jails,” he said.
Help for
 Seniors and Taxpayers Help for Seniors and TaxpayersBernie chaired a hearing Wednesday of his Senate Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging on how programs like Meals on Wheels not only reduce hunger and poverty among seniors but cut Medicare and Medicaid outlays for much more expensive nursing home and hospital care. “The simple truth is that we can feed a senior for an entire year for the cost of one day in a hospital,” he said. Bernie is helping to lead the fight to significantly increase funds for the Older Americans Act.

A Lover’s Spat Set to the Lyrics of 17 Beatles Songs

A Lover’s Spat Set to the Lyrics of 17 Beatles Songs

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 12:35 AM PDT

Those of us who spent hours sitting in front of the record player with our dads’ Radio Shack recorders, striving to duplicate the hilarity of Dickie Goodman’s novelty hit 1975 “Mr. Jaws,” will find much to appreciate in the staged spat above.

Musical pranksters Collective Cadenza raided the Beatles’ catalogue for seventeen songs to drive the narrative of a suspicious wife confronting her philandering husband. Which hussy sent him that passionate text? Lady MadonnaJuliaMichelleEleanor Rigby seems to have more comic potential than a tired ageist dig, and given their high production values, I’m mystified that the creators shied away from hiring a realistically hot plumber.

Perhaps I’m over-thinking things. It’s a lark, that’s all. Don’t expect Shakespeare, and you won’t lose sleep wondering why they failed to include “;I Am the Walrus.”

Related Content:

Peter Sellers Reads The Beatles’ “She Loves You” in Four Different Accents

Hold Me Closer, Tony Danza and Other Misheard Lyrics for Your Listening Pleasure

Ayun Halliday had a girlish crush on Paul, then switched to George, before wising up and going with John. Follow her @AyunHalliday

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Democracy for America:What Student Debt Crisis Means For Americans.

Ralph —

Wondering exactly how $1 trillion in student debt impacts you, or the entire American economy? We’ve got you covered.

We’ve put together an infographic that shows exactly what the student debt crisis means for Americans.

Take a look, then forward to your friends:

Student Debt in America

Here are just a couple key points:

— Since 2002, student debt in America has quintupled from $200 billion to $1.1 trillion
— 62% of workers aged 30-39 have insufficient resources for retirement — meaning less money on critical necessities like housing, food, and medicine
— If Congress doesn’t act by July 1st, the average student will owe an extra $2,564 — but if we pass Sen. Warren’s plan, they’ll save $6,552

As the critical deadline looms (just ten days away!), we’ve got to get the word out. Forward this to your friends and family today.

Thanks for all you do,

Democracy for America