Dear Ralph/
We might not like to think that our men and women in uniform are at risk of being sexually assaulted when they volunteer to serve our country — but the ugly truth is, it happens far too often.
This month, the Department of Defense estimated that more than 26,000 cases of sexual assault took place in the military in 2012.
It gets worse. The year before, only 10 percent of reported cases – only a fraction of the total – ever resulted in a trial where the victims could find justice. A stunning 62 percent of victims felt like they were retaliated against for coming forward.
The system is broken. And we need to fix it.
Unbelievably, even if a jury does issue a conviction, senior military officers with no legal training — and, often, glaring conflicts of interest — can throw that conviction out with no explanation, no recourse, and no accountability.
Our military men and women deserve better.
Senators Boxer, Gillibrand, Blumenthal and I are working to bring justice to victims of sexual assault in the military. Help us get this done by signing our petition.
Sexual assault is a heinous crime. Members of our armed forces who are victims have a right to justice. And for that to happen, the military policy that too often lets offenders off the hook has to change.
Thanks for taking action.
Al P.S.: Senators Boxer, Gillibrand, Blumenthal and I could really use your help in this fight. Please click here to take action today, and let’s take a stand for military victims of sexual assault.
Paid for and authorized by Al Franken for Senate 2014
P.O. Box 583144 | Minneapolis, MN 55458-3144