Let’s help Chris before the FEC filing deadline closes out the year.

Dear Ralph,

If we want an America where Medicare and Social Security are safe, where Congress breaks the cycle of governing crisis by crisis, and where everyone pays their fair share, there’s only one thing we can do: Make sure we send the right people to Washington.

Our grassroots network stands with dedicated leaders working toward a strong middle class and equality for all Americans. And today, I’m writing about one of those people: Senator Chris Coons of Delaware.

Chris is running a strong reelection campaign in Delaware. But last time he faced voters, his opponent raised$7 million in just 7 weeks. There’s really no telling what he’ll face next year — and he needs our support to be ready.

Let’s help Chris before the FEC filing deadline closes out the year. Give $5 or more right now to support him.

We’ve seen the damage the Tea Party can do when they take control in Washington. Just look at the House of Representatives. They shut down the government. They brought us to the brink of a catastrophic default. They’ve threatened to transform Medicare into a voucher system. And that was all in the past year.

Keeping Chris in the Senate is important. He’s a staunch ally on manufacturing, women’s rights, and any number of our other progressive priorities.

Ralph, Chris deserves our support. If you can, consider giving $5 or more right now to support him and his team.

Thank you for reading, and for your activism.

From the desk of Ann Coulter.

Ann Coulter
Dear Ralph,Taking control of the United States Senate in 2014 is one of our last chances to defeat President Obama’s liberal agenda.

Electing a Republican Senator from North Carolina is critical to winning the majority, but only a real conservative can defeat Democrat Kay Hagan.

The latest polls prove it; Dr. Greg Brannon, the true conservative currently running in the Republican primary, is leading one of Obama’s most reliable allies, Senator Kay Hagan.

Greg Brannon is pro-gun, pro-life, and he’s a devoted husband and father.

And unlike his primary opponents, he refuses to support amnesty.

That’s why I’ve proudly endorsed Greg Brannon’s campaign for U.S. Senate.

He’s running against a primary opponent backed by Washington special interests and he needs your help.

Greg’s “Retreat Is NOT An Option” Money Bomb is going on RIGHT NOW!

Will you make a generous contribution to help him reach his fundraising goal by midnight on Monday, December 16?

Read Greg’s letter below for more information about the campaign and why your contribution is desperately needed.

Thank you in advance for joining me and supporting Greg Brannon for U.S. Senate.

Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Conservative Author

National Wildlife Federation


Endangered orca whales in the Northwest are being pushed to the brink of extinction by declining salmon runs, habitat loss and toxic pollution.

Now the 90 remaining orcas in the Puget Sound face a new threat: proposals that would send as many as 100 million tons of coal each year on trains, barges, and supertankers along the Columbia River and Puget Sound spewing toxic coal dust and diesel emissions that would pollute the waters on which orcas rely.

Help protect endangered orcas by signing the petition against construction of coal terminals in the Northwest.

Thanks for all you do!

Bob Fertik

National Wildlife Federation

Protect Endangered Orcas from Toxic Coal


Dear Activist,

Toxic chemicals and sharp declines in salmon have left the orcas that live in the waters of Puget Sound teetering on the edge of extinction—today, fewer than 90 whales remain.

Now Big Coal is planning to bring massive amounts of coal through the Northwest, which would pollute the waters and salmon that orcas depend on with toxic coal dust and soot.

Keep toxic coal pollution out of endangered orcas’ waters by signing the petition opposing these disastrous projects.

Right now, multimillion-dollar coal companies are forging ahead with plans to build massive coal terminals in the Northwest. If approved, as much as 100 million tons of coal per year would be transported by train from the Powder River Basin in Montana to massive terminals in Oregon and Washington, then loaded onto giant barges and shipped overseas—spewing coal and toxic pollution into orcas’ waters.

Not only would waterways from the Columbia River to Puget Sound be polluted, construction of the massive terminals would destroy crucial habitat. And when the coal is burned, it causes carbon pollution that drives climate change and mercury pollution that is already affecting salmon, orcas and many other species that depend on Northwest waters.

Fierce opposition in the Northwest from wildlife advocates like you has forced Big Coal to scrap some of its plans, but the fight for orcas is far from over. Three massive proposals are still on the table, and Big Coal is pulling out all the stops to push them through.

We can’t let Big Coal rake in profits at endangered orcas’ expense—sign the petition to stop coal exports through Northwest waters. 

Coal companies are spending millions of dollars to hide the full impacts of their coal export plans. Fortunately, these proposals are by no means a done deal. By demonstrating widespread opposition to our decision makers and the media, we can help stop proposed coal ports from harming orcas.

With proposals moving quickly and more popping up all the time, orcas urgently need our voices to show overwhelming national opposition to these dirty coal projects.

Add your voice TODAY—take action to protect critically endangered orcas from toxic coal. 

Thanks for all you do to protect wildlife.


Andy Buchsbaum
Interim Executive Director, NWF Action Fund
Twitter: @wildlifeaction
Join us on Facebook


It’s Time to take back the House….


House Republicans just caused the shutdown of the entire government. Not only that, they did so because their priority is to deny healthcare to women and families, and because they want to let your boss decide whether you have coverage for birth control.

Enough is enough. It’s time to take back the House from the extreme GOP and replace these guys with pro-choice Democratic women. Women who will step up, govern, and fight for policies that actually help women and families.

Luckily we have an opportunity to really put these guys on notice: 2014 is right around the corner, and we have an opportunity send these guys packing. It’s our time to take back the House.

If you agree that it’s time to restore sanity to Congress, EMILY’s List needs your voice. If you want to help us fight over the next year to replace these guys with pro-choice, Democratic women, we need you behind us. If you’re fed up with the House GOP, and want to do something about it, you need to join us.

2014 may seem far off, but these House GOP Members need to know that their seats are not safe. EMILY’s List knows that early support for women candidates is critical. We have to be there for women candidates, right from the get-go. If we want to take back the House, we need to act now. Sign up to learn how you can help us take back the House, and restore some sanity to Congress.

Thanks for all you do!

Bob Fertik

Democrats.com is the oldest online community of progressive activists, with over 2 million supporters. We fight for jobs, justice, healthcare, education, the environment, and peace. We’re supported by great progressive partners so we never ask for donations. Please join us at Democrats.com!