Is the Economic Well being of America tied to the Middle Class.

   The economic well being of America is closely tied to the American Middle Class. Without the income of the middle class America has begun its current slide and decline.

When did this begin? When we graft the economic history of the last 25 year side by side with the history of the American Unions it become clear how closely they are hooked together. Where there was growth in Union membership there was an equal growth in the Middle Class of America. And so it must follows where ever there is a trend in the economic health up or down so goes America’s total economic health picture. 

 Why does a healthy middle class closely follow the growth of the American Union? The largest percentage of the American Middle Class was known to be Union members. And a huge percentage of small businesses were started by Union workers had earned higher pay and benefits until they had enough money and good credit to start those small business.

When we the American’s people began to buy into the notion that Unions were hurting America, we also believer those right to work laws were causing wages to stagnate. Nothing was further from the truth.  Twenty to twenty-five years passed and very few employees have gotten an increase in wages and most worker have lost ground and lost health package. We began to decline in mass.  It was always held over your head that: “Employer could always find someone to take you job and work for less” While we were being  told that “right to work laws” would be help us all get higher paying jobs with the notion that “more profit meant more jobs”. Right to work laws only helped the American people begin the slow protracted slide into the current decline that again is headed in the direction of Americas living under a Feudal economic system exactly like the dark ages of Europe.

Now we understand that Trickle Down theory so wonderfully talked about by the wealthy has turned out to be another nail in the coffin heads down the fast tracks to the hole we are in now.

Why didn’t we understand that it was the unions that built the middle class by fighting for a living wage; let’s not forget about weekends off, a 40 hour work week, a total health benefits package and much more. Unions put an end to many forms of discrimination and help create a safer work place.  In hind sight paying union dues was not such a burden as it is was a total benefit package. In hind sight it all is so simple to understand. We now work for less and get less Wages went down or stayed stagnant and profits sky rocketed while the Middle Class all those people that did the actual work that built this country paid the bulk of taxes. Jobs that pay a living wage always turn into more spendable cash which makes the America economy work.