Westerly Post Wants You to Sample our Favorite Blog – Truthout!


Life at Louisiana’s Toxic Sinkhole: An Eco-Disaster Continues With No End in Sight

Mike Ludwig, Truthout: A year after a toxic sinkhole caused by one of Texas Brine’s salt caverns either drove neighborhood homeowners in Louisiana out of their houses or left them with ongoing health issues, citizens come to grips with a never-ending eco-disaster and a company planning to expand operations.

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The Courage of Bradley Manning Will Inspire Others to Seize Their Moment of Truth

John Pilger, Truthout: The achievements of Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and the remarkable young people of WikiLeaks, are unparalleled in their ability to inspire a future generation of truth-tellers.

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State-Sanctioned Rape in Texas: Business as Usual

Candice Bernd, Truthout: From police officers performing illegal body cavity searches on women to rape and sexual assault in county jails and prisons, it’s clear that misogyny is running rampant in Texas law enforcement.

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If a Business Won’t Pay a Living Wage, It Shouldn’t Exist

The Daily Take, The Thom Hartmann Program: “A living wage isn’t just something corporations owe their workers, it’s something corporations owe America. If a corporation won’t pay a living wage, then it shouldn’t have the right to exist. Period. End of story.”

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Broad US Terror Alert Mystifies Experts; “It’s Crazy Pants,” One Says

Hannah Allam, McClatchy Newspapers: Counterterrorism experts are questioning recent security measures that US officials are enacting in an incongruous set of nations.

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The Missing Discourse in Immigration Reform

Erika L. Sánchez, Truthout: The immigration reform bills presently under consideration ignore how US policy has caused Mexican immigration and the economic benefits of making citizenship more easily accessible.

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Judges’ “Mitigation of Damages” Doctrine Harms Injured Employees

Ellen Dannin and Ann Hodges, Truthout: Judicial amendment of the NLRA violates public and personal rights by denying wrongfully fired employees remedies to make them whole.

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On the News With Thom Hartmann: One in Eight Are Defaulting on Their Student Loans, and More

In today’s On the News segment: ALEC is holding its annual conference in Chicago; one in every eight who have taken out student loans are in default on their debt; Republican Florida Governor Rick Scott is preparing to kick minority voters off the voter rolls; and more.

Watch the Video and Read the Transcript

The Third Carbon Age: Don’t for a Second Imagine We’re Heading for an Era of Renewable Energy

Michael T. Klare, TomDispatch: For all President Obama’s talk of a green technology revolution, we remain deeply entrenched in a world dominated by fossil fuels.

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Egypt Under Empire: Dancing Between Dictatorship and Democracy

Andrew Gavin Marshall, The Hampton Institute: Real democracy in the Arab world is not in the American interest.

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Protesters Condemn ALEC’s Push to Privatize Public Education

Jaisal Noor, The Real News Network: Six people were arrestedMonday when protesters descended upon the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago to push back against the impending visit of ALEC.

“House votes to resume deporting young DREAM Act immigrants” — Fox News, 6/6/2013

“House votes to resume deporting young DREAM Act immigrants” — Fox News, 6/6/2013

Dear Ralph,

We’re in the middle of the immigration reform debate in Washington, and the opening act by extreme House Republicans is to vote in favor of deporting 1.36 million children and young adults who call America home.*

We call these kids “DREAMers” after the proposed law, the DREAM Act, that would give them a shot at becoming a citizen of the only country they’ve ever called home. They were brought to this country by their parents when they were very young. Most of them don’t remember living anywhere else.

America truly is their home — and Republicans want to deport them. 

It is outrageous for us to punish DREAMers for choices their parents made decades ago. These kids are full of potential, but forced to live in the shadows because of their undocumented status. They deserve the chance to earn their citizenship by contributing to our communities.

When you boil it down, this fight is about keeping families together. I will keep fighting for the DREAM Act to be part of a comprehensive immigration reform package.

Thanks for reading, and for fighting alongside me on this important issue.



The Bernie Buzz News from the US Senate 1984 in 2013

The Bernie Buzz - News From the US
June 22, 2013
The National Security Agency secretly obtained telephone and Internet records on millions of innocent Americans using a controversial law called the USA Patriot Act. Bernie was among a small minority of House members who voted against the law in 2001. Now that the secret is out about the staggering scope of the surveillance, he wants Congress to reconsider what it did. Under Bernie’s “Restore Our Privacy Act,” authorities would have to establish a reasonable suspicion based on specific information to secure court approval to monitor a specific suspect. “We can effectively combat terrorism without sacrificing the civil liberties and constitutional protections which make us a free nation,” he said. “I believe that most Americans do not want to live in an Orwellian society where everything you do is recorded.”
Jobs, Not
 Jail Jobs, Not JailSenate leaders on Friday agreed to add a Bernie provision to an immigration reform bill that would put young Americans to work through summer and year-round jobs programs. Bernie argued that getting young Americans off the streets and into jobs was the least Congress should do in a bill that allows college students from around the world to take jobs that young Americans would otherwise perform. “Let us put our young people into jobs, not into jails,” he said.
Help for
 Seniors and Taxpayers Help for Seniors and TaxpayersBernie chaired a hearing Wednesday of his Senate Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging on how programs like Meals on Wheels not only reduce hunger and poverty among seniors but cut Medicare and Medicaid outlays for much more expensive nursing home and hospital care. “The simple truth is that we can feed a senior for an entire year for the cost of one day in a hospital,” he said. Bernie is helping to lead the fight to significantly increase funds for the Older Americans Act.

Democracy for America:What Student Debt Crisis Means For Americans.

Ralph —

Wondering exactly how $1 trillion in student debt impacts you, or the entire American economy? We’ve got you covered.

We’ve put together an infographic that shows exactly what the student debt crisis means for Americans.

Take a look, then forward to your friends:

Student Debt in America

Here are just a couple key points:

— Since 2002, student debt in America has quintupled from $200 billion to $1.1 trillion
— 62% of workers aged 30-39 have insufficient resources for retirement — meaning less money on critical necessities like housing, food, and medicine
— If Congress doesn’t act by July 1st, the average student will owe an extra $2,564 — but if we pass Sen. Warren’s plan, they’ll save $6,552

As the critical deadline looms (just ten days away!), we’ve got to get the word out. Forward this to your friends and family today.

Thanks for all you do,

Democracy for America