Dear Ralph,

We’ve lost our Senate majority, which means that when the new Congress is sworn in, it will be more important than ever that we fight to protect time-tested programs like Social Security.

I’m particularly concerned with the statements from some of the incoming new Senators. They’re signaling a willingness to privatize Social Security and turn seniors’ retirements over to Wall Street. We can’t let that happen.

Congress needs to expand Social Security, not privatize it or cut earned benefits for seniors or the disabled. Sign this petition and show your support.

More than 59 million Americans depend on the guaranteed benefits provided by Social Security. 90% of seniors receive Social Security checks, and most seniors depend on Social Security for at least half their monthly income.

When you’re a retired senior living on a fixed income, when you’re disabled, or the family breadwinner dies, you can’t afford to have Washington play political games with your financial future. But Social Security isn’t just about retirement — it’s about providing a basic standard of living for people who work hard and play by the rules.

Tell the next Congress to protect and expand Social Security — add your voice to mine and sign the petition now.

Thank you.



More than 350,000 people have signed our petition against Citizens United.

Dear Ralph,

More than 350,000 people have signed our petition against Citizens United.

That’s a fantastic start, but Citizens United might be just the tip of the iceberg.

In the coming months, the Supreme Court is expected to rule on a case called McCutcheon vs. FEC, and that decision might unleash even more money into our elections.

We need to stand strong against the effects of Citizens United — can you contribute $5 today to help us send a grassroots message that billionaires can’t buy our democracy?

By now, you probably know what Citizens United has done to our elections — dark money, anonymous donors, and billionaires like the Koch brothers spending tens of millions of dollars against progressive candidates.

Special interests spent more than $40 million in my race alone in the 2012 elections.

McCutcheon could expand the damage of Citizens United by allowing even more money into our democratic process.

Elections should be about people and ideas, not corporations and money. If you agree, help us find more supporters and grow our grassroots movement — give $5 right now.

I can’t predict how the Supreme Court will rule in McCutcheon, but I know we need to be ready for anything. Thank you for your support.
