Humboldt State University Welcomes Lisa A. Rossbacher as Next President

Humboldt State University
Welcomes Lisa A. Rossbacher
as Next President

HeadshotDear Alumni & Friends,

We are excited to announce that Dr. Lisa A. Rossbacher has been selected as the seventh president of Humboldt State University.

Her appointment today at the CSU Board of Trustees meeting culminates a national search process and represents an exciting time for our university. She will assume her new role on July 1, 2014.


Dr. Rossbacher is currently serving as president at Southern Polytechnic State University in Marietta, Ga. She succeeds Rollin C. Richmond, who is retiring at the end of the academic year after 12 years as president of HSU.

In the next few days, we hope you’ll join us in welcoming Dr. Rossbacher to the campus community. Please take a moment to share what is great about HSU or Humboldt County, or give some advice about the campus, on the website for the incoming president at

You can also welcome her using your favorite social media and the hashtag #WelcomeHSUPres – then see what others are saying at

Press release about Dr. Rossbacher’s appointment
Incoming President website

Humboldt State University