Profitable Corporations Duck TAXES Senator Bernie Sanders

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Bernie Buzz Update
TAKE THE POLL: Are corporations paying their fair share in federal taxes?
Profitable Corporations Duck<br /><br /><br />
Sen. Bernie Sanders this week issued a new report that provides a fresh glimpse into the far-reaching corporate tax avoidance strategies of large and profitable companies represented by the Business Roundtable, including what he calls the “legalized tax fraud” of sheltering profits in offshore tax havens. The report shows for the first time how more than half of the companies represented by the Business Roundtable are collectively holding more than $1 trillion in profits in offshore tax haven countries where money is not subject to U.S. taxes. A number of huge corporations – including General Electric, Boeing, Duke Energy and Verizon – not only have paid nothing in federal income tax in recent years, they received refunds from the IRS.“Instead of sheltering profits in the Cayman Islands and other offshore tax havens, the largest corporations in this country must pay their fair share of taxes so that our country has the revenue we need to rebuild America and reduce the deficit,” Bernie said. “At a time when corporations are making record-breaking profits, while the middle class is disappearing and senior poverty is on the rise, the last thing we should be doing is giving huge tax breaks to profitable corporations that don’t need it.” Bernie will soon reintroduce legislation to crack down on corporate tax avoidance by making sure that profits shifted to offshore tax haven subsidiaries are taxed at the top U.S. corporate tax rate.
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Al Frankin U.S. Senator Minnesota

Al Franken - U.S. Senator, Minnesota

Al Frankin U.S. Senator Minnesota

Dear Ralph,

You’ve heard me talk about net neutrality — the idea that all online data has to be treated equally by Internet service providers (ISPs). Hopefullytomorrow, you’ll hear the President talk about it in his State of the Union address.

Net neutrality is one of the founding principles of the Internet, and it’s allowed small companies with big ideas to compete against more established firms.

All of those companies — from Google on down to the mom-and-pop store up the street — have to choose from among the same small pool of ISPs. And if net neutrality goes down, those ISPs are going to have enormous influence over what you can see and do online.

We’ve been working for a long time to preserve net neutrality — and we’ve succeeded in bringing net neutrality to national attention. Net neutrality is the foremost First Amendment issue of our time, and the FCC is expected to vote on its future soon. Join me in this last push — tell the FCC to protect net neutrality and promote a free and open Internet.

No matter where you’ll be tomorrow night, I hope you’ll be watching the President’s speech, because the opponents of net neutrality definitely will be.

Thanks for sticking with me in the fight for net neutrality.
