Gov. Dean’s email has been so inspiring.

Sent by Eden James, Democracy for America
To Ralph — 

I hope you’re as happy as I am that Democrats went “nuclear” on Thursday, finally taking a stand on filibuster reform in the Senate. It was a proud day for everyone at DFA, as we joined Daily Kos and CREDO in delivering 285,402 petition signatures to Sen. Harry Reid and Senate Democrats on Capitol Hill. Now, as Gov. Howard Dean wrote to you, we need to stay on offense — not just on the filibuster, but on other critical issues like health care and income inequality. 

The response to Gov. Dean’s email has been so inspiring. If you missed what he wrote below, check it out and click here to join DFA members across America who are standing with Dr. Dean.

– Eden 

Eden James, Political Director

Ralph —

We have let Republicans control the discourse on the Affordable Care Act for way too long. It’s time to call them out for what they are really trying to do: undermine this President and deny health care to millions of Americans.

Back in 2009, I asked you to stand and fight with me for the creation of a Public Option as part of DFA’s “Stand with Dr. Dean” campaign. Together we did everything we could to improve the health care reform package as it moved through the legislative process. We left it all out on the field and did a lot of good, even if we didn’t get everything we wanted.

Today, I’m asking you to stand and fight with me again. Conservative powerhouses like the Heritage Foundation are spending millions piling on with misleading attacks to stoke the fears of Americans, while Ted Cruz and the Tea Party are hatching new plans to repeal Obamacare in its entirety. They think nervous Democrats in Congress will cave in to Republican demands to dismantle our reforms. It’s up to us to stop that from happening.

That’s why we need your support to go on offense. Goal: Stop Ted Cruz and the Tea Party from destroying the ACA — and save the future of health care reform in America. Will you contribute $5 now to help DFA go big on our “Don’t Go Back” campaign?

It might be tempting to sit this one out. After all, many of us wanted Medicare for All or a Public Option instead. But make no mistake, we have to fight back — because the future of health care reform depends on it. 

Remember what we’re up against. It’s no coincidence that the roll-out of Obamacare has been difficult. Republicans have undermined it at every turn, refusing to expand Medicaid, denying necessary funding and even shutting down the government. They’ve done everything they can to make this system as dysfunctional as possible, and now they want to use that dysfunction as an excuse to go back to the system we had before. 

I don’t believe America wants to go back. As Charles Chamberlain, DFA’s Executive Director, wrote to you on Monday, going back means losing all of the progress we’ve made on critical reforms like pre-existing conditions and lifetime caps, and all of the progress we could make by amending this law to make it even better and stronger. 

Our message? Don’t go back. Go on offense. Please donate $5 to DFA now so we can defend Obamacare and force Republicans back on defense — to save the future of health care reform.

Thank you for standing up with me again. Together, we’re going to win this for America. 
– Howard   
Gov. Howard Dean
Founder, Democracy for America


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