Discrimination is a big deal, right?

Ralph —

Discrimination is a big deal, right?

So how come there’s still no law protecting LGBT Americans from discrimination in the workplace? 

And how come Speaker Boehner won’t allow the House to vote on a bill that provides those safeguards – even when the Senate passed it by a big bipartisan margin?

It’s time to end that. Can you click here and demand Boehner bring up the Employment Non Discrimination Act for a vote? 

Speaker Boehner is catering to the Tea Party’s hate by preventing this crucial measure from coming up for a vote.

If he continues to dig in his heals like a spoiled 5-year-old, then it’ll remain legal in 29 states to fire someone based on whom he or she loves.

Tell Speaker Boehner to stop thinking about politics and instead put people first. Click here to automatically add your name. 

Let’s make sure the Tea Party doesn’t stop this common sense and overdue legislation from becoming law.

Add your name>>> 

Thanks for standing up,

Stop The Tea Party


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